Monday, September 1, 2008

Am I sad or simply mad....????

Such is life that the lucky few always have time to spend with the unlucky ones, but never have time to spend for them. For this no one is at fault, but nevertheless things are as they are. Maybe the blessed ones never realise how much they mean to the ones who spend their lives in pursuit of the lesser blessings, the small glimpes, the passing smiles, the happy times that flutter away with the slighest gust of wind. Is it all because of an unexplained, unjustified dependence on another for your happiness, something that should lie within youself is being searched for in foreign lands where you have no legitimate jurisdiction. It is of no use to think of things that are not meant to be, someone had once told, but that sort of diction suits those who have got what they deserved and more. I ask today why I am not entitled to your love,is it because I am what I am, or because I am not what someone else is. At times I wish not to regret what is not, but the trappings of a human mind in it's thousand entrails is an unexplored and unexplained terrain. I promised to myself that I would never wish ill about anyone you hold dear. I hope I have been honest enough with myself about my thoughts and feelings, and I can proudly say to myself, if not to you, that if the desire of having you as my own is discounted, I have never wished for anything but happiness for the person you call your own.

I have a dream, a vision too,
That one fine day I'll be with you
You shall be mine, i will be yours
We'll happily gaze at those beautiful shores.

O why is it only a dream
My mind asks in a silent scream
Why can we not be truly one
Is my fate just so fully undone

I wish you luck before I end
To you my hand please let me lend
If not in love then just in hope
So you get as much as you can cope.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

eto senti mero na baapu....pore nijei chaape pore jaabe....neway u shud hav better been a poet than an engineer....maybe u wud hav met sum1 hu wud actually reciprocate....but trust me u r a wonderful poet....n can really mek ne1 fall 4 u wid mere luvletters.....dont worry my warrior bro u'll surely overcum .....all d best...... :)